Privacy Policy

Hello dear Safe Pay customer Welcome to our website  You can send money from Bangladesh to India and Pakistan from our website. We have been doing money exchange internationally for 4 years. Currently we are working on Bangladesh India Pakistan Money Transfer.❤️ 

As we deal internationally, we will only refund 60% if you request a refund after sending us the money. it's our roles 

 You can safely send money to any country using our website without any worries. Here you can transact from 10 AM to 12 AM. If you have any problem contact us on our whatsapp, number: +8801317399808

Thank you.


Hello dear Safe Pay customer welcome to our website ❤️ You can send money from Bangladesh to India and Pakistan from our website. We have been doing money exchange internationally for 4 years. Currently we are working on Bangladesh India Pakistan Money Transfer.

Since we deal internationally, we will only refund 60% if you request a refund after sending us the money. This is our role

You can safely send money to any country using our website without any worries. Here you can transact from 10 AM to 12 AM. If you have any problem contact us on our whatsapp number: +8801317399808

Thank you.